Magento – PayPal Instant Payment Notification Disabled


I got the following message from paypal saying:

Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment
Notification (IPN) messages. Messages sent to the following URL(s) are
not being received: If you do not
recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider that is using
IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider with the
above information. Once you or your service provider fix this problem,
you or your service provider can resend the failed messages from the
IPN History page. If this problem continues, PayPal may disable the
IPN feature for your account. Thank you for your prompt attention to
this issue.
Thanks, PayPal

My version of Magento is and I am using Paypal Express checkout. Furthermore, this url is possibly working (as it doesnot take you to 404, rather gives me a blank page).

Secondly, I looked into the code (app\code\core\mage\Paypal\Model\Express.php) and I see the following line: ->setNotifyUrl(Mage::getUrl('paypal/ipn/'))

Hence, it looks like a valid url. The only thing left is to add \index.php\ to it.

So can you please tell me:

  1. Is this a valid url for my version of magento and paypal?
  2. How to be sure if its working? I did sandbox testing and all was working well. The orders were marked as Processing with paypal info received (including Transaction ID) from paypal… I hope it didnt come from PDT (Payment Data Transfer) instead of IPN.

Here is more:
The original email says:

Once you or your service provider fix this problem, you or your
service provider can resend the failed messages from the IPN History

However, I just checked on and there are no failed IPN messages… all messages were sent successfully.

Best Answer

This thread reply might help you:

I am posting this follow-up to say that I disabled IPN notifications in my PayPal account and everything is still working fine.

The IPN url setting in PayPal doesn’t have an effect on Magento because Magento is sending the IPN url with each transaction request anyways. Each time Magento sends a transaction to PayPal, this IPN url will override the default IPN settings in your PayPal account so that, in other words, the settings in the PayPal account have no effect on Magento.

I checked my IPN history in PayPal and the IPN notifications are being successfully sent back to Magento even though I disabled the global settings in PayPal. On the Magento side, everything is working smoothly too.