Magento – PayPal IPN 503 Error


For the last 8 days I've not been getting any order information from PayPal when a customer purchases something.

I've checked my IPN settings in my PayPal account and in the history log it shows:

HTTP response code 503

Delivery status Failed

My notification URL is

I've also tried it without https and with the www

I'm using PayPal Website Payments Standard. There's no errors in my logs and no paypal log (as the request obviously isn't reaching Magento.

I've whitelisted the PayPal domain on the server firewall.

I've upgraded Magento from to but that hasn't helped either.

When I check the URL with a server header checker I get a 200 response.

PHP Version 5.3.23

How else can I debug what's going on?

Best Answer

Might be related to recent PayPal SSL certificate upgrade.

PayPal is in the process of upgrading the SSL certificates used to secure our web sites and API endpoints. These new certificates will be signed using the SHA-256 algorithm and VeriSign’s 2048-bit G5 Root Certificate. You will need to ensure that your environment supports the use of the SHA-256 signing algorithm and discontinue the use of SSL connections that rely on the VeriSign G2 Root Certificate. This action must be taken by June 17, 2016 in order to avoid any disruption of service.

Additional information in links below:

Security-Related Changes Required to Avoid Service Disruption

SSL Certificate Upgrade Microsite

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