Magento 1.9 PDF Invoice – Draw Line Between Items


I would like to have a line between each item purchased on the PDF invoice.

I went to Mage>Sales>Model>Order>Pdf>Items>Invoice>Default.php, made a local copy to not change the core items and added the following line after draw Tax:

/* Separator Line */
$page->setLineColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_GrayScale(0.5));
$page->drawLine(380, 30, 380, 40);

But it doesn't show up. Can someone let me know how the best way to do this.
Would be great, thanks

Best Answer

The code is right, below code works for me

$page->setLineColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_GrayScale(0)); //black
$page->drawLine(10, 100, 600, 100);

I think you put it in wrong position. Try to put it in different line/file, before or after, to see if it is printed.