Magento – PDO is required ERROR


I've started getting this error when trying to Access Magento downloader, the rest of the site work:

The PDO extension is required for this adapter but the extension is not loaded

Been searching for a fix, but didn't find one…

My php.ini at the bottom has everything that is suggested, it worked before… I don't know what happened..

I had complier enabled, then wanted to install a new extension, so disabled the complier and this happened.

Deleted everything manually form Cache folder and nothing.

I have this in the php.ini, any ideas?


Best Answer

Ok, found the Issue, downloader page was missing the PHP.ini.

Copied and pasted the same PHP.ini from the public_html directory to the downloader directory and it started working..

But I don't like this solution, because checked the default Magento instalation and php.ini is not present in the Downloader directory and I don't know, did I hack it or else... If someone has a clue, what could have happend, please post your answer.

Best wishes,