Magento – persistent shopping cart disadvantages


Hi I'm wondering if there are any disadvantages when using persistent shopping cart in magento? If I do enable this are people forced to create an account and no longer check out as guests ?

Best Answer

@Marius while you would expect that to be logical in reality there is an edge case where the guest checkout option is disabled.


  • Logged in customer adds items to basket
  • Customer closes browsers
  • Website session times out kill var/session directory
  • Customer opens browser adds items to basket as guest.
  • Guest checkout it hidden.


An event called checkout_allow_guest is fired by Mage_Checkout_Helper_Data::isAllowedGuestCheckout()

This then observed by Mage_Persistent_Model_Observer::disableGuestCheckout() which disables the option to use guest checkout.

The cause of which is that the session is loaded by Mage_Persistent_Helper_Session::isPersistent() with the value of the persistence cookie:

    if (is_null($key)) {
        $key = Mage::getSingleton('core/cookie')->get(Mage_Persistent_Model_Session::COOKIE_NAME);

Fix - Disabled event observer

You will need to create a new module with two files.


<?xml version="1.0"?>


<?xml version="1.0"?>

Created for Magento EE

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