Magento 1.7 – Persistent Shopping Cart and session.gc_maxlifetime


I've received some conflicting information online about this, but when enabling Magento's native Persistent Shopping Cart is it necessary to also modify the php value for session.gc_maxlifetime to match the time in seconds?

For example, if you look at this third party module on GitHub:


You'll see it mentions:

This extension works by extending the lifetime of cookies, in all
likelihood your server will also need to extend the lifetime of it's
sessions. To do this add the following to the site's .htaccess file:

php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 2592000

Do I need to change the PHP value, or will it function regardless?

Best Answer

For persistent shopping cart you should not need to. Works only when customer is logged in.

But for regular guest browsing and admin sessions you need to.