Magento – PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function setData() on a non-object in Permissions/BlockController.php on line 113 – After Applying SUPEE-6788


PHP Fatal error After Applying SUPEE-6788:

Call to a member function setData() on a non-object in
on line 113

First I am not able to apply the patch SUPEE-6788. It said

-e ERROR: Patch can't be applied/reverted successfully

Followed the Steps provided in link "Why does PATCH_SUPEE-6788 appear to have no effect on a installation?" and then i was able to apply the patch.

But some Magento blocks are missing at the Home page. After a long search in Google I found that we have to create blocks under System > Permissions > Blocks

But I am not able to access it, because some tables not getting created ( permission_block and permission_variable )

This problem was solved by following procedure ( Tables permission_block and permission_variable did not get created after SUPEE-6788 )

But now I am not Able to edit or create block under permissions, Only List view visible. Getting the above mentioned error

Best Answer


This error is generated when layout cache hasn't been updated or admin.xml is missing the following code.

<!-- admin permissions block edit page -->
    <reference name="content">
        <block type="adminhtml/permissions_block_edit" name="adminhtml.permissions.block.edit"/>
<!-- admin permissions variable edit page -->