Magento2 – Fix PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase Not Found


just made upgrade to 2.3.0 and while compilation get this error:

server@server:~/web/$ /usr/bin/php7.1 bin/magento setup:di:compile
    Compilation was started.
    Repositories code generation... 1/7 [====>-----------------------]  14% 1 sec 68.0 MiBPHP Fatal error:  Class 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase' not found in /home/server/web/ on line 36

I try to remove this module, but it not solve this trouble.

Best Answer

If you're using PHPUnit version 6, please replace class 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase' in your test file to 'PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase'. So it'd look like this:

class YourTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {

Reference :

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