Magento 2 Navigation – How to Place Responsive Menu Link on Nav Bar


enter image description hereI wanted to display the menu in the nav bar when it becomes responsive. But defaultly it gets displayed in top left with three lines. I wanted to replace this three lines with a text and also wanted to place this link on the nav bar itself.Can any on help .

thanks in advance

enter image description here
the default is as on left side but i want something like on left side

Best Answer

This the standard way of displaying responsive menu. However you can still put text instead of 3 lines in


Override the file in your theme like this:


and edit the code like this:

<span data-action="toggle-nav" class="action nav-toggle"><span><?php /* @escapeNotVerified */ echo __('Your Text') ?></span></span>

and add this css:

 .nav-toggle {
        font-size: inherit;
        content: "";
    .nav-toggle > span{
          position: relative;