Magento – Price wrong on certain products when added to cart


I am having a bit of an issue with my site at the moment and I just wanted to see if anybody knows what might be the cause of the symptoms going on.

Certain products seem to have different prices once they are added to the cart. The price displays correctly on the actual product page but then once added the total changes (both up and down for different products by varying amounts).

All of the ~100k products on the site have a stock/price updated each morning and so I guessed that it could be a re-indexation issue, however I checked and straight after each import the product price index is re-indexed + cache is cleared.

Most products seem to work just fine as normal but every once in a while an odd one will pop up. If I get news from a customer about a product with the wrong pricing on the cart then simply re-saving the product in the back-end changes it straight back to the normal price without any trouble. Although re-indexing the product price index doesn't change it back.

The nature of the problem and the fact that imports overwrite data each morning means it is quite hard to track down the issue as some days I notice no products like this and other days I'll find one or two.

Any help or direction is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Magento CE v 1.9.1
Running on a debian EC2 instance on AWS.


Best Answer

I had some issue with wrong / old product price in the cart which was not the one displayed to the customer on the product page as well. Running Magento

I was surprised finding out that Magento obviously does not use information from the product price index but from the article flat index instead. Don't know if bug or feature, but it can lead to unclear situations for sure.

If you have a look at the catalog_product_flat tables in the database you will find 2 fields containing the main price information: price and special price. Those are being used for cart, quotes and order.

So updating the price index manually could not solve our problem. But we had article flat index switched on manual mode and updating it finally made the right price to show up in the cart - even in existing quotes.

Maybe this helps to solve your issue as well.

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