Magento – Problem with quotation marks on PHP export


I could use your help once again… I'm currently building a php export to hand our products off to a comparison website. One of their requirements is that every string is wrapped in double quotes.

I've tried different things, but I'm still running into problems here. I don't know why it's doing what it's doing and am open to any suggestions y'all might have!

First thing I tried was simply putting

$art_nr = '"'.$product->getSku().'"';

And then I tried using the strip method to ensure there aren't any quotes already around the string…

$art_farbe = '"'.trim($art_farbe,'"').'"';

But the result is always the same and looks like this:

"""jkfalieg-xxl"""|"Fiam Amigo XXL"|"XXL Liege mit Gestell aus Aluminium. Bezug: Textiline (wetterfest und uv-beständig)., "|""""""|""""""||||||||||"""Aluminium"""|"""EUR"""|"""195.0000"""|"""0"""||""""""|"""75"""|"""cm"""|"""207"""|"""cm"""|"""33"""|"""cm"""|""""""|""""""

For everything I use one of the two methods mentioned above I get three double quotes in front and after the content of the string. The second and third column are working because I didn't to anything to them since they're automatically surrounded by double quotes since there's spaces in the string.

If someone has an idea how to fix this please let me know! 🙂

Best Answer

@7ochem is probably the one to ask as to how to go about this with Magento's built in methods for exporting a collection of varien objects to CSV, however, you are in a good place with the code you have got and the underlying PHP csv functions of Magento's methods do not allow for all quotes around everything.

I suggest that you stick with arrays and once you have a 'row' iterate over it once to replace existing " marks with single quotes. This will work fine and should not matter for the porpoises of a comparison shopping site (except if you are using customary units for dimensions).

Now 'implode' your array 'row' with "|" and bolt on a " at the front and end. You should now have something clean with no double-escaped out double quotes there to break anything.

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