Magento – Problem with users and sessions on Magento frontend


I have a problem that is driving me crazy , I'm completely lost. With my limited knowledge I think is a problem of sessions, but really have no idea how to approach it. This is the problem:

Users can not enter their accounts through the frontend. When they try to sign in, the page just refreshes but not enter, on your own account or through Facebook . The system will not show any errors or anything , just do not walk , so the reaction is the same when you put the correct data or when you put the wrong key on purpose , just refresh and nothing else.
If you create a new user you can get in, but if you come back later you can not enter anymore, you'd have to go create a new user again.

Now comes the strangest :
If is given the case you are a new user, you have created an account and get to order , such order appears in the admin with a dummy user that I created a few days ago . That is, last clients, each one different , besides not receive any order confirmation email , their orders appear to me on the panel with my dummy user data , only the email of the client is correct, although them of course when ordering have entered their data. I have to say that I removed yesterday the dummy user but still appears.

Best Answer

Even if this sounds like it's too broad and does not have a version specified, I will take a shot in the dark and assume that your version 1.8.1 and you are using a theme for an older version.
A lot has changed on 1.8.1 and the themes for 1.7 (even 1.8.0) are not compatible anymore.
if you take a look here in the loginPostAction you will see this code:

if (!$this->_validateFormKey()) {

This is new. It validates the form key for additional security. If you don't send a form key you get redirected to the login page without any errors showing.
For test purposes comment the lines I mentioned. If it works then ... bingo....that's your problem.
Uncomment the lines again and make your login form 1.8.1 compatible by adding this code inside the <form> tag in your login template.

<?php echo $this->getBlockHtml('formkey'); ?>

If my shot in the dark was a miss, and you don't use 1.8.1 tell me and I will delete the answer.