Magento – Product Count Per Category in Magento


I have this web site with the main menu (drop down effect) on my frontpage/homepage. In the main menu I have 7 different categories for my products. All categories are linked to category's pages, and that is absolutely OK.

I would like it to show how many products are in the specific category (number of total items in category, right beside the link).

for eample:
Shirts (10)

Best Answer

Display product count in top menu see hear

Magento categories marked as 'Include in menu' are added by page_block_html_topmenu_gethtml_before event observer function addCatalogToTopmenuItems located in

app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Observer.php to 


Lets overwrite it:

enter image description here

Only for subcategory menu on top

enter image description here

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