Magento 2 CSV Import – Product Custom Attribute Import with CSV


I am trying to import product with CSV in Magento2. In the first case, all attributes are default attributes so import works fine.

Now In the second case I have added some custom attributes in my Magento 2.2 and added them to the attribute set, and with that attribute set, I have created the product manually from the backend. Now I have exported that product to view the format of CSV file.

In that I found one thing, My all custom attributes were in one column called "additional_attributes".

So my question is while importing products Do I have to add my all custom attributes under "additional_attributes"?

Or How May I import my custom attributes values?

Best Answer

  1. Upload from the default CSV generated by Magento

Yes, you need to fill all your custom attributes into the single-column named additional_attributes_code.

Just simply put all your custom attributes in the following way into the column with the name additional_attributes_code into your imported CSV file.


After this simply upload your CSV file.

  1. Upload with some changes into the CSV generated from the Magento

You also can create different columns with the attribute_code of your custom attributes & fill the data into it & upload the file. It will work with it as well.

Note: First upload a single product manually & download the CSV file from your admin & do corrections into it only & use only that file for uploading/Updating the products.

I will recommend the First one because as of you will have more no. of attributes & more no of attribute sets you to need to insert more no of columns into your CSV file so better would upload it into a single column it will reduce your time for this data entry stuff as of you are using CSV upload for that intention only.

Hope This will help!

Thank You!