Magento – product description – WYSIWYG editor is not displayed


my WYSIWYG editor is not displayed in product description in the admin panel.

my sittings:
Catalog–>magnage attributes–> description –> Enable WYSIWYG = "yes"
system –> configuration –> Content Management –> Enable WYSIWYG Editor = "Enabled by Default"

has anyone any idea?

Best Answer


First, confirm that the areas shows anywhere. Regardless, this error is occurring due to an issue in one of two areas:

  1. Incorrect/missing/superseded files
  2. Incorrect/missing configuration

1. Incorrect/missing/superseded files

Diff a known-good copy of your version of Magento against yours. Correct any differences, restore files, and reset theme settings such that the "default" behavior should be in effect

2. Incorrect/missing configuration

You've confirmed that the configuration settings to display this button are set, but Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Helper_Form_Wysiwyg::getIsWysiwygEnabled() checks if the Mage_Cms module is active to display even the disabled version of the button. Check that.

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