Magento – Product image according to selected color option on cart page Magento


My problem is that the images of a configurable product change according to the color option on product detail page but when I add to cart that product default image is shown on cart page while I want image according the selected color option

I have a Product with two color 'Black' and 'White'. when I click on black color the image on product detail page has been changed but when I add to cart that and check that on cart page product , product image is white which is default image.

enter image description here

enter image description here
I am using Magento 1.9. with default color swatches.


Best Answer

Go to

System > Configuration > Sales > Checkout > Shopping Cart

and set Configurable Product Image to Product Thumbnail Itself and hit the Save Config button. You may need to refresh cache as well...

After this, the image of the selected color option should be displayed in the cart.

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