Magento 2 – Product Image Does Not Load on Product Page


I am having an issue with products images in Magento 2. The products were brought in from a Magento 1.7 install using the data migration tool. I then copied the media/catalog folder from the M1 install to the M2 install.

It appears that everything is working correctly: the product images show up in the Admin tool, and all of the products have thumbnails in the category listings. But when I click through to the product page, Magento 2 loads the default placeholder.

Even when I upload a new image and set it as the base, it does not appear on the product detail page.

I ran find ./pub/media -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \; and find ./pub/media/catalog -type f -exec chmod 777 {} \; to make sure it wasn't a permission issue, but I still can't get the product image to load.

I'm not sure how to debug this further, since it loads a placeholder I can't see what it is trying to load instead of the proper image.

Why isn't my product image loading?

Best Answer

We should run the catalog images command: php bin/magento catalog:images:resize.

Situations where this could be necessary might be:

  • After you import products, which might have images of various sizes
  • If images were resized or deleted manually from cache

Each image assigned to a product must be resized in accordance with image metadata defined in a module’s view.xml configuration file. After resizing an image, its resized copy is stored in the cache (/pub/media/catalog/product/cache directory). Magento serves storefront images from cache.

Source and more information here:

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