Product Import/Update Error – Skip Import Row, Invalid Value for Field Type


I'm getting an error on a field when I try updating products during an product import.

  Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"

I'm using sku to identify the product that I want to update and the other fields are the fields that I want to update


  "sku123","some title for meta","a description","keywords go here"

The import contains 312 rows and at the bottom of the import page it says – Processed 100% 312/312 records. But after that it tells me – Imported 199 records.

I don't understand why field 'type' is causing an issue. I checked all of the stores products and they all have a type set. The data contains no special characters. It is saved to csv and formatted in utf-8.

Best Answer

Skip import row, is not valid value “” for field “type”

You may get this message if you download the export file from Magento and ammend the file and try re-importing it.

How to Fix.

Make sure the column names names do not start with an underscore in your import file.

An example would be the type column – which should be “type” not “_type”.

Same for other column headers in the import file, make sure they do not start with an underscore