Magento 1.9 – Product List by Category in CMS Page


I have 5 stores, each store with 3 categories.

Every store has it's own CMS page. I want to show the products of a given category of those 3 categories in store's CMS page (e.g. categories 12, 13, 27, or just category 12).

I tried all of these :

Unfortunately, unsuccessfully…

Result is absolutely nothing… Inspecting the page, I get blank divs where the code were supposed to appear.

Products are in stock and available, yet they appear in "new_products" widget.

I've followed every single question and tuto about this, and it simply doesn't work…

Points of interest:

  • My Magento version is 1.9.2.
  • The block code that I'm using right now is this:
    {{block type="catalog/product_list" category_id="12" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}
  • I've cleaned magento's cache hundreds of times

If you need further information, please let me know. I'll be waiting hopefully for your help.

Best Answer

For Magento 1.9.2.x, You need to create permission for 'catalog/product_list' block from 'System->Permissions->Blocks'