Magento – Product not found when searching by Title


There are some products in my store that are not displayed in search results, when searching by product name. Same products are found in search results when searching by sku.

I have tried re-indexing, re-assigning them to websites/stores.
Product name is a searchable attribute.

Also I have traced that searching a particular product by name, returns a row from catalogsearch_result table.

SELECT * FROM `catalogsearch_result` WHERE `query_id` = 2865 

In the SQL result, the product_id is correct, but still product is not displaying in results.

Any ideas?

—– UPDATE —–

  • Product name is 'Forever'
  • Product is found when searching string is
    'orever', 'rever', 'ever'
  • But product is not found when searching the
    full name 'Forever'

Best Answer

This may not be the best answer but something that has worked for me in the past when a product isn't showing up in search:

  1. Go to Manage Products and checkmark your product.
  2. Next, "Update Attributes" from the dropdown above the grid.
  3. On the Update Attributes page, click to the Websites tab and re-associate with the proper website by checking the checkbox under Add Products To Website.
  4. Click save and rebuild the Search Index.

Original suggestion here:

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