Magento – Product preview button in manage product page


I want to implement product preview button on manage products page,before saving the products so admin have some idea how products are looking in frontend, there are extension available for doing this, but they all preview page after saving the products, but how we can implement before saving product?

I think to use ajax functionality to take all product fields value when call, but how we can determine what current theme and what breadcrumb will look like. If product has review and tag then display those field also and upsell and related products, default header and footer etc etc….

Best Answer

This is very theoretical and there is a lot of ways to go about it.

Its possible on EE with the Staging functionality. But we've found this fairly poor anyway.

On CE, the simplest thing you could do is just create another store view and edit the product for that scope only.

Or a programatic solution I can think is that you could make a simple extension that creates a new temporary product (rather than saving the existing one), then tag that temporary product with an attribute. Then you could have a cleanup cron to remove the "temporary" products.

Lots of ways to do it, just depends on what fits in your workflow.

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