Magento – Product Slider in Category page (description field)


In the Ultimo theme, the manual says to use this code for a product slider:

{{block type="ultimo/product_list_featured"
template="catalog/product/list_featured_slider.phtml" category_id="3" product_count="12"
hide_button="1" block_name="My Products"}}

However, if I put this code in a category page (description field), it just outputs the text.

How can I get this code (or something equivalent) to run in that location?

Best Answer

You have you miss something here's the procedure.

Go to the Category Page you wanted to place the block then go to "Display Settings" Tab and on Display Mode change it to "Static Block and product and lastly select a CMS Block(Make a Static block of Ultimo Featured Products) and Save Category Button.

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