Magento – “Product with specified super products SKU not found in rows:…” when reimporting just exported products to empty database


I exported all my single and configurable products to .csv and emptied my database of all products afterwards. I am now trying to reimport those same products using the just created .csv file. Unfortunately, I am getting the message:

Product with specified super products SKU not found in rows:... 

followed by the list of skus, and followed by another message below:

Orphan rows that will be skipped due default row errors in rows

and then another list of skus. What does this mean, considering I have JUST created that same .csv from the currently working and functioning Magento? I also tried to completely empty the database from products and making only one configurable product with one associated simple product, with the same result (the error message Product with specified super products SKU not found in rows) What can I do to mend this?

Best Answer

You must import the simple product first and the configurable product after that. It sounds like the simple product cannot be find when the configurable product is imported.