Magento 2 Category Products – Fix Products Not Showing in Category


I am facing an issue that categories are not showing products. Some categories are showing product but I assigned 3 products to a category and it's showing me only 1 and some categories are not showing a single product. I checked

  1. Product status as Enabled
  2. Product Visibility as catalog, search
  3. Product quantity > 0
  4. Product inventory as In Stock
  5. Product price > 0

For category :

  1. Is Active as Yes
  2. Display Mode as Product Only
  3. In the category products tab, it's showing all the products that are assigned to the category.

But it is not showing on the category page on front-end.

I am using SM Market theme.

Can anyone help to get this issue fixed?

Best Answer

Check below list

If below things are done.

1.General->Status = Enabled

2.general->Visibility = Catalog,Search

3.Inventory->Qty > 0

4.Inventory->Stock Availability = In Stock

5.Websites = checking your site

6.Catgories = checking your category.

You have to remove var folder from root and try commands using cli:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex

Clear browser cache and try again.

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