Magento – Product’s Custom Options Not Appearing


IF I'm adding a product manually in Magento, it's custom options are appearing on Product page.

If I'm importing products using Magmi, custom options are appearing in Magento admin and has options is set to 1 on product's view.phtml but custom options are not appearing.

if ($this->hasOptions()) {
echo 'inside loop';
echo $this->getChildChildHtml('container2', '', true, true);

I'm not getting any html content from echo $this->getChildChildHtml('container2', '', true, true); for products which is imported through magmi.

I see in catalog_product_entity_varchar table with records with value container2 for products which are created using Admin panel but this value is container1 if they are imported using Magmi. What might be the issue?

Best Answer

I also run into this issue when I was creating simple product with custom option using Magmi.

You can use Default Values setter v0.0.5 in Magmi. you can set default value for options_container with container1 or container2 then options will use this default value otherwise Magmi will use NULL or container2 as default.

enter image description here

I hope this will help to others too!