Magento2 – How to Programmatically Change Base URL of Store


i setup websites / store / storeview in code from controller with this :

public function createWebsite($nom, $language){
        $code = $this->transformerEnURL($nom);

        $category = $this->categoryFactory->create();

        /** @var \Magento\Store\Model\Website $website */
        $website = $this->websiteFactory->create();

            /** @var \Magento\Store\Model\Group $group */
            $group = $this->groupFactory->create();
            $group->setName('main '.$nom);

        foreach ($language as $value) {
            $lang = 'Français';
            if ($value == 'fr')$lang = 'Français';
            if ($value == 'en')$lang = 'English';
            if ($value == 'es')$lang = 'Espanol';
            if ($value == 'it')$lang = 'Italiano';
            if ($value == 'de')$lang = 'Deutsch';
            if ($value == 'ro')$lang = 'Român';
            /** @var  \Magento\Store\Model\Store $store */
            $store = $this->storeFactory->create();
                $group = $this->groupFactory->create();
                $group->load('main '.$nom, 'name');
                $store->setName($lang.' '.$nom);
                // Trigger event to insert some data to the sales_sequence_meta table (fix bug place order in checkout)
                $this->eventManager->dispatch('store_add', ['store' => $store]);

The foreach is for language obviously.

Now i need to change base Url of store view, I tried :

  • $store->setBaseUrl('');
    But i got error on it and don't know what is the correct method.

  • $store->setConfigData('web/unsecure/base_url','','stores',$store->getiD());
    But i don't know how to use it, i tried after the save of $store, i tried to reload a store but still get error.

So first, am I in the good way ? How can I setup base url ?


Best Answer

protected $config;

protected $storeManager;

public function __construct(
    \Magento\Config\Model\ResourceModel\Config $config,
    \Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface $storeManager,
) {
    $this->config = $config;    
    $this->storeManager = $storeManager;

Now you can use this like, but after creating website,group, and store

        $storeMainUrl = $storeBaseUrl . "CANBEANYTHING" . '/'; // replace "CANBEANYTHING" with your unique url
        $websiteId=1;// replace with your dynamic id            
        $this->config->saveConfig('web/unsecure/base_url', $storeMainUrl, 'websites', $websiteId);
            'web/unsecure/base_link_url', '{{unsecure_base_url}}', 'websites', $websiteId
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