Magento – Programmatically created attributes showing up in backend but not frontend


I have a script that bulk creates attributes and sets in Magento. The attributes and their sets look fine, and the settings are correct. When these attributes are created, I use AMartinez's customimpertexport script to bulk import products. These products do have the attributes correctly filled in.

If I look at a product in the back-end, they are there, with the correct values. When I take a look at the front-end however, the values are not displayed. Also, the layered navigation does not work (probably because of forementioned bug).

This makes me think there is something going wrong with linking attributes to products.

Since I'm pretty new at Magento, I don't know very much of it yet, so any explanations on how or why would be apreciated.

Best Answer

Make sure you set the correct values for the attributes.
I mean, if you want them to be used in layered navigation, you should set Use In Layered Navigation to 1 (Filterable (with results)) or 2 (Filterable (no results)).
If you want the attribute to be available in product listing set Used in Product Listing to 1 (Yes).
If you want the attribute to be listed in layered navigation for search set Use In Search Results Layered Navigation to 1 (Yes).
If you want the attribute to be listed in the product details page set Visible on Product View Page on Front-end to 1 (Yes).
After an attribute generation and a product import you should reindex everything.
And clear the cache just in case.

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