SEO Meta Tags – Proper Use of Heading Tags on Product Page


I've done a lot of searching and can't seem to find a straight answer and conflicting information. Since this applies to all who have a Magento eCommerce site, I thought I would post the question here.

Here is what I am assuming is correct:

H1 Product Name

H2 Product Short Description / Product name above the description (I've seen this done on large eCommerce sites and do not know if this is proper)

H3 Product Long Description / Product Specifications / Reviews

H4 Product Price

EDIT: Not sure if MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) would fit into this?

Question 1: What is the proper usage of H tags on the product view page?

And as a second portion to my question, (again based on large eCommerse sites) I have mashed together the product name with the product short description as an H1 tag (the short description is not present on my site).


Product name: Canon LS-100TS Product Short Description: 5936A002AA – LS-100TS, LCD 10 digits

Final output name in front end (H1):

Canon LS-100TS 5936A002AA – LS-100TS, LCD 10 digits

Question 2: Can this be negatively viewed by search engines or is it acceptable?

Best Answer

Disclaimer: I'm not an SEO expert

I have worked with a number of companies who have many analysts on staff who worry about this every day. In my experience the rules around use of H tags is always shifting. Here are the current "rules" (according to Google) as I understand them:

  • You determine the priority of your own content. There is no hard-and-fast rule around which piece of content is the most important to you.
  • Visual styling is important. Apparently you can lose ranking or be demoted for using high-ranking H-tags (h1, h2) but making them small in font or a low-contrast color.
  • They only do so much. They're not the be-all-end-all of your ranking content. They're one small factor. Make the choice that best represents your product, not to game SEO.
  • H4's and beyond do little to help Google make sense of your content. Use more semantic containers (header, article, section) to help organize content.
  • Other things factor into SEO like multimedia, meta tags, etc. Optimizing those in tandem with well-written heading tags will go a long way.

In short: above all content matters. Make sure content is original and readable by Google. Make decisions that help your customers first, and Google second.

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