Magento 2.2 – Pull Custom Customer Attribute and Send in Email


I am working in Magento 2.2 and I am using an extension that allows the site admin to confirm new accounts before they are active.
The extension can be found here:

When a new user registers the admin is sent an email that shows the email address of the new user.

This code sends the email:

 public function send($customer)
    $siteOwnerEmail = $this->scopeConfigInterface->getValue(

                'area' => Area::AREA_FRONTEND,
                'store' => $customer->getStoreId(),
        ->setTemplateVars(['email' => $customer->getEmail()]);

            'name'=> $this->storeManagerInterface->getStore($customer->getStoreId())->getName(),
            'email' => $siteOwnerEmail

That file that emails the code to the admin is at:

And I believe line 70 below controls pulling the customers email:

 ->setTemplateVars(['email' => $customer->getEmail()]);

I also found the line below in that prepares the code.

$newCustomer = $this->customerRepository->get($customer->getEmail());

I am trying to pull custom Customer attributes values added to my eav_attribute table. The attribute is "company_name" and is already created.
I found the following code which I modified here:

So I created the line below in

$newCustomer = $this->customerRepository->get($customer->getCustomAttribute('company_name')->getValue());

And added the line below in

  ->setTemplateVars(['companyname' =>  $customer->getCustomAttribute('company_name')->getValue()]);

But this still isn't working.
Can anyone offer some clues to get me on the correct path? Thanks!

EDIT: Figured this out and the answer is below.

Best Answer

I got this working using the following code.

In the AdminNotification.php file at:

I replaced the following lines:

                'area' => Area::AREA_FRONTEND,
                'store' => $customer->getStoreId(),
        ->setTemplateVars(['email' => $customer->getEmail()]);


                'email' => $customer->getEmail(),
                'company_name' => $customer->getCustomAttribute('company_name')->getValue()

And in the frontend/email/new-customer-notification.html file at:

I replaced:

A new customer registered : {{var email|raw}} ! The account is waiting for approval.


 A new customer registered : {{var email|raw}} Company name:  {{var company_name|raw}} The account is waiting for approval.

I couldn't find how at add multiple variables to ->setTemplateVars anywhere so I hope this helps someone! Thanks!

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