QuickView Not Working After Load Product Using Infinite Scroll in Magento 2 – Fix Guide


I am using Weltpixel Quick View extension and it is working fine.But there is an issue when products loads using infinite scroll.After loads products using infinite scroll , quick view stops working.There is an issue related to the JS function.Can you guys let me know which quick function i have to use in the infinite scroll JS file?

This is my URL:
You can check from here.Once the products loads , quick view stops working.

I am using Strategy Infinite Scroll.
This infinite scroll also working fine.

Infintie scroll Js file path:


Weltpixel Quick View JS file

This is the script which used in phtml file.

    requirejs(['jquery', 'weltpixel_quickview' ],
        function   ($, quickview) {
            $(document).ready(function() {
                $('.weltpixel-quickview').bind('click', function() {
                    var prodUrl = $(this).attr('data-quickview-url');
                    if (prodUrl.length) {

    window.weltpixel_quickview = {"baseUrl":"http:\/\/\/pospaper\/","closeSeconds":"5","showMiniCart":"1","showShoppingCheckoutButtons":"0"};

Best Answer

I am also using infinite scroll on category pages and search result page. I have managed to work by changing the following file:


Replacing the whole code with below code:

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile

/** @var $block \WeltPixel\Quickview\Block\Initialize */
    requirejs(['jquery', 'weltpixel_quickview' ],
        function   ($, quickview) {
            $(document).ready(function() {
                $('#maincontent').on('click', '.weltpixel-quickview', function() {
                    var prodUrl = $(this).attr('data-quickview-url');
                    if (prodUrl.length) {

    window.weltpixel_quickview = <?php /* @escapeNotVerified */ echo \Zend_Json::encode($block->getConfig()); ?>;
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