Magento – rabbitmq queue – order, turn on/off


I want to make some integration Magento 2 EE with some 3rd party. I want to use RabbitMQ. I know the basics, but I havea lack of documentation and lack of experience/knowledge.

From time to time I want to do maintenance on 3rd party. When this happens I don't want to have any messages from Magento. So I want to have an option in magento admin panel to turn on/off processing of messages in my custom rabbit queue.

E.g. I will have rabbitmq queue "custom" working, then I want to disable processing messages (which will be still published to the queue) for an hour, then go back live. After going back I want to process all messages in ASC order by time of approach of the message.

  1. Is Magento2-RabbitMQ queue ordered by something? Can I change a order of a single custom queue? Can it be done from the Magento side?
  2. Can I turn on/off processing of messages? Just processing – I want to make publishing messages to be available all time

Best Answer

  1. Messages are ordered by time of adding to queue. No, you cannot change the order
  2. Yes, processing can be turned off by shut down consumers

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