Magento – Readiness check ignores memory limit


CentOs 7 with php 5.6.26 and Plesk 12.2


Memory_limit 2G 

phpinfo() shows memory_limit of 2G.
Readyness check still says limit is set to 128M, so I did a reboot and performed an cache:clean and flush on magento, still same result.

I came accross the .htaccess memory_limit, increased it there as well, and repeatet steps above, doesnt work out.

Any suggestions? Do I miss something here?

Best Answer

Official doc here:

The important bit is to run: php --ini in a console and look for a line with something like "Loaded Configuration File: /etc/php.ini". That's the file you need to edit, as it can be different from the one the webserver loads.

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