Magento 2.0.8 – Recently Viewed Widget Displaying Nothing


I installed Magento 2.0.8 without sample data.

When I insert the widget in the static block, it does not show any recently viewed product in home page(after sign in).

why it is not work in cms static block, below content is generated when I insert the widget in the block.

{{widget type="Magento\Reports\Block\Product\Widget\Viewed" page_size="5" template="widget/viewed/content/viewed_grid.phtml"}}

But when I do from content->widget and assign to cms home page main content it worked but it is always displayed on top of the content container even setting sort order 2000.

Note: I have tried with the below three configurations but no luck

store->configuration->catalog->recently viewed/compared->store
store->configuration->catalog->recently viewed/compared->website
store->configuration->catalog->recently viewed/compared->storeview

Best Answer

while you using this code

{{widget type="Magento\Reports\Block\Product\Widget\Viewed" page_size="5" template="widget/viewed/content/viewed_grid.phtml"}}

or insert widget in static block with code you should in Cache Management page disable FPC then reload home page (ctrl + f5).

enter image description here

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