Magento – Recollect shipping rates in onepage checkout


i am developing a shipping extension that provide various options(insurance, exact hour of delivery, etc) to the customer at the checkout page.
The flow is the following:

  1. The customer chooses an address.The received prices of the rates
    does not include the extra fee for the available options.
  2. At the shipping method section ot the checkout page, the customer
    can choose some option, and when she clicks the button to proceed to
    the payment methods section, the recalculation of the shipping rates
    must be triggered again.

My goal is to trigger the recollecting of shipping rates in Mage_Checkout_OnepageController::saveShippingMethod().

How can i achive this?
I've tried the steps in the thread(, but without any luck.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I think you can recollect the shipping rates using:


But I'm not 100% sure.