Magento 1.9 – Redirect Logout to PHTML Page Instead of Logging Out


Log out option will be there in entire site and if we click on "LOg out".

it will log out the customer from the site.

but for some reason, if i click on log out , it should redirect to some link.

for example, in some pages if we click on log out, i want to redirect to some phtml page link


 * Magento
 * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
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 * @category    Mage
 * @package     Mage_Customer
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2014 Magento Inc. (
 * @license  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)

 * Customer Data Helper
 * @category   Mage
 * @package    Mage_Customer
 * @author     Magento Core Team <>
class Mage_Customer_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract
     * Query param name for last url visited
    const REFERER_QUERY_PARAM_NAME = 'referer';

     * Route for customer account login page
    const ROUTE_ACCOUNT_LOGIN = 'customer/account/login';

     * Config name for Redirect Customer to Account Dashboard after Logging in setting
    const XML_PATH_CUSTOMER_STARTUP_REDIRECT_TO_DASHBOARD = 'customer/startup/redirect_dashboard';

     * Config paths to VAT related customer groups
    const XML_PATH_CUSTOMER_VIV_INTRA_UNION_GROUP = 'customer/create_account/viv_intra_union_group';
    const XML_PATH_CUSTOMER_VIV_DOMESTIC_GROUP = 'customer/create_account/viv_domestic_group';
    const XML_PATH_CUSTOMER_VIV_INVALID_GROUP = 'customer/create_account/viv_invalid_group';
    const XML_PATH_CUSTOMER_VIV_ERROR_GROUP = 'customer/create_account/viv_error_group';

     * Config path to option that enables/disables automatic group assignment based on VAT
    const XML_PATH_CUSTOMER_VIV_GROUP_AUTO_ASSIGN = 'customer/create_account/viv_disable_auto_group_assign_default';

     * Config path to support email
    const XML_PATH_SUPPORT_EMAIL = 'trans_email/ident_support/email';

     * WSDL of VAT validation service

     * Configuration path to expiration period of reset password link
        = 'default/customer/password/reset_link_expiration_period';

     * VAT class constants
    const VAT_CLASS_DOMESTIC    = 'domestic';
    const VAT_CLASS_INTRA_UNION = 'intra_union';
    const VAT_CLASS_INVALID     = 'invalid';
    const VAT_CLASS_ERROR       = 'error';

     * Customer groups collection
     * @var Mage_Customer_Model_Entity_Group_Collection
    protected $_groups;

     * Check customer is logged in
     * @return bool
    public function isLoggedIn()
        return Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn();

     * Retrieve logged in customer
     * @return Mage_Customer_Model_Customer
    public function getCustomer()
        if (empty($this->_customer)) {
            $this->_customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
        return $this->_customer;

     * Retrieve customer groups collection
     * @return Mage_Customer_Model_Entity_Group_Collection
    public function getGroups()
        if (empty($this->_groups)) {
            $this->_groups = Mage::getModel('customer/group')->getResourceCollection()
        return $this->_groups;

     * Retrieve current (logged in) customer object
     * @return Mage_Customer_Model_Customer
    public function getCurrentCustomer()
        return $this->getCustomer();

     * Retrieve current customer name
     * @return string
    public function getCustomerName()
        return $this->getCustomer()->getName();

     * Check customer has address
     * @return bool
    public function customerHasAddresses()
        return count($this->getCustomer()->getAddresses()) > 0;

     * Customer urls

     * Retrieve customer login url
     * @return string
    public function getLoginUrl()
        return $this->_getUrl(self::ROUTE_ACCOUNT_LOGIN, $this->getLoginUrlParams());

     * Retrieve parameters of customer login url
     * @return array
    public function getLoginUrlParams()
        $params = array();

        $referer = $this->_getRequest()->getParam(self::REFERER_QUERY_PARAM_NAME);

        if (!$referer && !Mage::getStoreConfigFlag(self::XML_PATH_CUSTOMER_STARTUP_REDIRECT_TO_DASHBOARD)
            && !Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getNoReferer()
        ) {
            $referer = Mage::getUrl('*/*/*', array('_current' => true, '_use_rewrite' => true));
            $referer = Mage::helper('core')->urlEncode($referer);

        if ($referer) {
            $params = array(self::REFERER_QUERY_PARAM_NAME => $referer);

        return $params;

     * Retrieve customer login POST URL
     * @return string
    public function getLoginPostUrl()
        $params = array();
        if ($this->_getRequest()->getParam(self::REFERER_QUERY_PARAM_NAME)) {
            $params = array(
                self::REFERER_QUERY_PARAM_NAME => $this->_getRequest()->getParam(self::REFERER_QUERY_PARAM_NAME)
        return $this->_getUrl('customer/account/loginPost', $params);

     * Retrieve customer logout url
     * @return string
    public function getLogoutUrl()
$currentUrl = Mage::helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl();
if (strpos($currentUrl,'marketplaceaccount/myproductslist ') !== false) {
   return $this->_getUrl('marketplace');
        return $this->_getUrl('customer/account/logout');

     * Retrieve customer dashboard url
     * @return string
    public function getDashboardUrl()
        return $this->_getUrl('customer/account');

     * Retrieve customer account page url
     * @return string
    public function getAccountUrl()
        return $this->_getUrl('customer/account');

     * Retrieve customer register form url
     * @return string
    public function getRegisterUrl()
        return $this->_getUrl('customer/account/create');

     * Retrieve customer register form post url
     * @return string
    public function getRegisterPostUrl()
        return $this->_getUrl('customer/account/createpost');

     * Retrieve customer account edit form url
     * @return string
    public function getEditUrl()
        return $this->_getUrl('customer/account/edit');

     * Retrieve customer edit POST URL
     * @return string
    public function getEditPostUrl()
        return $this->_getUrl('customer/account/editpost');

     * Retrieve url of forgot password page
     * @return string
    public function getForgotPasswordUrl()
        return $this->_getUrl('customer/account/forgotpassword');

     * Check is confirmation required
     * @return bool
    public function isConfirmationRequired()
        return $this->getCustomer()->isConfirmationRequired();

     * Retrieve confirmation URL for Email
     * @param string $email
     * @return string
    public function getEmailConfirmationUrl($email = null)
        return $this->_getUrl('customer/account/confirmation', array('email' => $email));

     * Check whether customers registration is allowed
     * @return bool
    public function isRegistrationAllowed()
        $result = new Varien_Object(array('is_allowed' => true));
        Mage::dispatchEvent('customer_registration_is_allowed', array('result' => $result));
        return $result->getIsAllowed();

     * Retrieve name prefix dropdown options
     * @return array|bool
    public function getNamePrefixOptions($store = null)
        return $this->_prepareNamePrefixSuffixOptions(
            Mage::helper('customer/address')->getConfig('prefix_options', $store)

     * Retrieve name suffix dropdown options
     * @return array|bool
    public function getNameSuffixOptions($store = null)
        return $this->_prepareNamePrefixSuffixOptions(
            Mage::helper('customer/address')->getConfig('suffix_options', $store)

     * Unserialize and clear name prefix or suffix options
     * @param string $options
     * @return array|bool
    protected function _prepareNamePrefixSuffixOptions($options)
        $options = trim($options);
        if (empty($options)) {
            return false;
        $result = array();
        $options = explode(';', $options);
        foreach ($options as $value) {
            $value = $this->escapeHtml(trim($value));
            $result[$value] = $value;
        return $result;

     * Generate unique token for reset password confirmation link
     * @return string
    public function generateResetPasswordLinkToken()
        return Mage::helper('core')->uniqHash();

     * Retrieve customer reset password link expiration period in days
     * @return int
    public function getResetPasswordLinkExpirationPeriod()
        return (int) Mage::getConfig()->getNode(self::XML_PATH_CUSTOMER_RESET_PASSWORD_LINK_EXPIRATION_PERIOD);

     * Get default customer group id
     * @param Mage_Core_Model_Store|string|int $store
     * @return int
    public function getDefaultCustomerGroupId($store = null)
        return (int)Mage::getStoreConfig(Mage_Customer_Model_Group::XML_PATH_DEFAULT_ID, $store);

     * Retrieve customer group ID based on his VAT number
     * @param string $customerCountryCode
     * @param Varien_Object $vatValidationResult
     * @param Mage_Core_Model_Store|string|int $store
     * @return null|int
    public function getCustomerGroupIdBasedOnVatNumber($customerCountryCode, $vatValidationResult, $store = null)
        $groupId = null;

        $vatClass = $this->getCustomerVatClass($customerCountryCode, $vatValidationResult, $store);

        $vatClassToGroupXmlPathMap = array(

        if (isset($vatClassToGroupXmlPathMap[$vatClass])) {
            $groupId = (int)Mage::getStoreConfig($vatClassToGroupXmlPathMap[$vatClass], $store);

        return $groupId;

     * Send request to VAT validation service and return validation result
     * @param string $countryCode
     * @param string $vatNumber
     * @param string $requesterCountryCode
     * @param string $requesterVatNumber
     * @return Varien_Object
    public function checkVatNumber($countryCode, $vatNumber, $requesterCountryCode = '', $requesterVatNumber = '')
        // Default response
        $gatewayResponse = new Varien_Object(array(
            'is_valid' => false,
            'request_date' => '',
            'request_identifier' => '',
            'request_success' => false

        if (!extension_loaded('soap')) {
                Mage::helper('core')->__('PHP SOAP extension is required.')));
            return $gatewayResponse;

        if (!$this->canCheckVatNumber($countryCode, $vatNumber, $requesterCountryCode, $requesterVatNumber)) {
            return $gatewayResponse;

        try {
            $soapClient = $this->_createVatNumberValidationSoapClient();

            $requestParams = array();
            $requestParams['countryCode'] = $countryCode;
            $requestParams['vatNumber'] = str_replace(array(' ', '-'), array('', ''), $vatNumber);
            $requestParams['requesterCountryCode'] = $requesterCountryCode;
            $requestParams['requesterVatNumber'] = str_replace(array(' ', '-'), array('', ''), $requesterVatNumber);

            // Send request to service
            $result = $soapClient->checkVatApprox($requestParams);

            $gatewayResponse->setIsValid((boolean) $result->valid);
            $gatewayResponse->setRequestDate((string) $result->requestDate);
            $gatewayResponse->setRequestIdentifier((string) $result->requestIdentifier);
        } catch (Exception $exception) {

        return $gatewayResponse;

     * Check if parameters are valid to send to VAT validation service
     * @param string $countryCode
     * @param string $vatNumber
     * @param string $requesterCountryCode
     * @param string $requesterVatNumber
     * @return boolean
    public function canCheckVatNumber($countryCode, $vatNumber, $requesterCountryCode, $requesterVatNumber)
        $result = true;
        /** @var $coreHelper Mage_Core_Helper_Data */
        $coreHelper = Mage::helper('core');

        if (!is_string($countryCode)
            || !is_string($vatNumber)
            || !is_string($requesterCountryCode)
            || !is_string($requesterVatNumber)
            || empty($countryCode)
            || !$coreHelper->isCountryInEU($countryCode)
            || empty($vatNumber)
            || (empty($requesterCountryCode) && !empty($requesterVatNumber))
            || (!empty($requesterCountryCode) && empty($requesterVatNumber))
            || (!empty($requesterCountryCode) && !$coreHelper->isCountryInEU($requesterCountryCode))
        ) {
            $result = false;

        return $result;

     * Get VAT class
     * @param string $customerCountryCode
     * @param Varien_Object $vatValidationResult
     * @param Mage_Core_Model_Store|string|int|null $store
     * @return null|string
    public function getCustomerVatClass($customerCountryCode, $vatValidationResult, $store = null)
        $vatClass = null;

        $isVatNumberValid = $vatValidationResult->getIsValid();

        if (is_string($customerCountryCode)
            && !empty($customerCountryCode)
            && $customerCountryCode === Mage::helper('core')->getMerchantCountryCode($store)
            && $isVatNumberValid
        ) {
            $vatClass = self::VAT_CLASS_DOMESTIC;
        } elseif ($isVatNumberValid) {
            $vatClass = self::VAT_CLASS_INTRA_UNION;
        } else {
            $vatClass = self::VAT_CLASS_INVALID;

        if (!$vatValidationResult->getRequestSuccess()) {
            $vatClass = self::VAT_CLASS_ERROR;

        return $vatClass;

     * Get validation message that will be displayed to user by VAT validation result object
     * @param Mage_Customer_Model_Address $customerAddress
     * @param bool $customerGroupAutoAssignDisabled
     * @param Varien_Object $validationResult
     * @return Varien_Object
    public function getVatValidationUserMessage($customerAddress, $customerGroupAutoAssignDisabled, $validationResult)
        $message = '';
        $isError = true;
        $customerVatClass = $this->getCustomerVatClass($customerAddress->getCountryId(), $validationResult);
        $groupAutoAssignDisabled = Mage::getStoreConfigFlag(self::XML_PATH_CUSTOMER_VIV_GROUP_AUTO_ASSIGN);

        $willChargeTaxMessage    = $this->__('You will be charged tax.');
        $willNotChargeTaxMessage = $this->__('You will not be charged tax.');

        if ($validationResult->getIsValid()) {
            $message = $this->__('Your VAT ID was successfully validated.');
            $isError = false;

            if (!$groupAutoAssignDisabled && !$customerGroupAutoAssignDisabled) {
                $message .= ' ' . ($customerVatClass == self::VAT_CLASS_DOMESTIC
                    ? $willChargeTaxMessage
                    : $willNotChargeTaxMessage);
        } else if ($validationResult->getRequestSuccess()) {
            $message = sprintf(
                $this->__('The VAT ID entered (%s) is not a valid VAT ID.') . ' ',
            if (!$groupAutoAssignDisabled && !$customerGroupAutoAssignDisabled) {
                $message .= $willChargeTaxMessage;
        else {
            $contactUsMessage = sprintf($this->__('If you believe this is an error, please contact us at %s'),

            $message = $this->__('Your Tax ID cannot be validated.') . ' '
                . (!$groupAutoAssignDisabled && !$customerGroupAutoAssignDisabled
                    ? $willChargeTaxMessage . ' ' : '')
                . $contactUsMessage;

        $validationMessageEnvelope = new Varien_Object();

        return $validationMessageEnvelope;

     * Create SOAP client based on VAT validation service WSDL
     * @param boolean $trace
     * @return SoapClient
    protected function _createVatNumberValidationSoapClient($trace = false)
        return new SoapClient(self::VAT_VALIDATION_WSDL_URL, array('trace' => $trace));

Best Answer

app/code/core/Mage/Customer/Helper/Data.php copy this file to


change this function as you want line 226.

public function getLogoutUrl()
$currentUrl = Mage::helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl();
if (strpos($currentUrl,'marketplaceaccount') !== false) {
   return $this->_getUrl('marketplace');
        return $this->_getUrl('customer/account/logout');
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