Redirect – Redirecting Old Domain After Copy of Live Store for Development


To create test site for copy of live store,

  • Copy all files (except some media files)

  • Dump and Import database

  • Clear all cache (rm -rf newdomain/www/var/*)

  • Update base url

UPDATE core_config_data SET value="" WHERE path=’web/secure/base_url’;

UPDATE core_config_data SET value="" WHERE path=’web/unsecure/base_url’;

(also checked select * from core_config_data where path like '%base_url%')

  • Update local.xml file (for connecting test db, db user, password)

  • Check root's htaccess file (I even try to delete the file)

  • Asked server support , they said it's web source problem , not server setting

I think I did everything I know and search to solve! but still when I visit my test website, it still redirect my live web site

Am I missing something? What I should check more?

Best Answer

Comment copied to answer to allow this question to be marked answered, and not left hanging open, as it is solved.

I know you cleared cache by deleting files, but is it possible you have folder permission issue, and cache is going to /tmp?

What happens if you disable cache? (use n98-magerun from cli)

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