Magento 1.9 – Redis Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis Not Adding Keys


I'm trying to use CM_Cache_Backend_Redis to cache database calls and sessions. I have the following configuration inside near the bottom of my app/etc/local.xml file:




I've cleared my cache and session information, rebuilt all my indexes and restarted Apache and it Magento isn't even attempting to connect to the Redis server.

The Redis server is a separate server from the Web Server (they're both in an Amazon VPC). I've confirmed that I can use redis-cli from the web server and manually access/update the redis database. There is nothing in Magento's var/log/system.log or Apache's error log about even attempting to connect to the redis database.

If I use tcpdump I can see that there is absolutely no traffic on port 6379 during various page loads.

It would help if I could get an error message at least, but this is failing silently.

Best Answer

Ok since iam currently developing a Magento Clearcache Module, that handles Memcached, Redis and Apc i ran across your problem and could maybe help you out:

Lets start with:


0 is for standalone PHP

but in most cases you will use

1 for phpredis

which means with 0 you wont be able to connect to redis from php since the wrong adapter is selected.

From your local.xml i assume you'r using Cm_RedisSession as well ?

if so, what will the following command bring up to you:

connect the redis-cli to your redis server and:

info keyspace

if you now get:

  • you wont get any data to redis at all

  • if you get something like:


that means, that your sessions are stored within redis but the backend isn't.

If so feel free to drop a short message here and we can go on from there.