Redis Session DB Shows Zero Keys for Sessions in Magento 1.9


When looking at the Redis Manager in the Back End, it always shows zero (o) keys for the sessions?

enter image description here

The .var/session is also empty.
Any idea on this?

We are running CE1.9.2.2.




Best Answer

do you have these files ?


is it enabled?



also use lzf for compression

Important: The Cm_RedisSession module in CE 1.8 is disabled by default. Magento disables the module to avoid unnecessary connection tries to Redis when you choose to use file, database, or a different session storage method.

To enable Magento to use Redis, perform the following tasks:

Enable the Cm_RedisSession module.
Open magento-install-dir/app/etc/modules/Cm_RedisSession.xml in a text editor.
Change the value of to true.
Save your changes to Cm_RedisSession.xml and exit the text editor.
Modify magento-install-dir/app/etc/local.xml.
For configuration information, see the sample provided with Magento in magento-install-dir/app/etc/local.xml.additional and also see the Readme (session) and Readme (back end).
Flush the Magento cache in any of the following ways:
If you have access to the file system as the owner of the files in the Magento installation directory, change to that directory and enter rm -rf var/cache.
Log in to the Admin Panel as an administrator.
Click System > Cache Management, then click Flush Magento Cache at the top of the page.

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