How to Reduce Original Product Image Size to 1000×1000 Dimensions


We uploaded product images to our site. Lot of images are in the range of 1600×1200 dimension.

We want to reduce the original size of the product images to 1000×1000.

How to reduce the image dimension so that image file size will decrease respectively?

Can you please explain how to implement in Magento site, in which file, what code do I have to place…?

Please help me to find a solution.

Best Answer

I told you how to do this the other day yet another question gets opened!

It is best to keep your source images at the higher resolution - they might be useful when everyone has 4K screens. That might not be too far in the future. Therefore the approach I suggested to you last time is pretty good.

If you must resize all your images en-mass, take a look at this answer:

Use imagemagick, for which you will need to give 5 minutes to install and read the options available.

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