Magento – ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined Magento 2


I created a countdown using JS. For that i need jQuery so I created requireJs file.

var config = {
paths: {
    'countDown': "ABC_CoundDown/js/countDown"
shim: {
    'countDown': {
        deps: ['jquery']

then added jquery in web/js/jquery.js

then in phtml I used

<script type="text/javascript">

    ], function(
) {
    var date = "2019-02-12";
    var myDate = new Date(date);
    myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + 2);
    $("#countdown").countdown(myDate, function (event) {
                '<div class="timer-wrapper"><div class="time">%D</div><span class="text">days</span></div><div class="timer-wrapper"><div class="time">%H</div><span class="text">hrs</span></div><div class="timer-wrapper"><div class="time">%M</div><span class="text">mins</span></div><div class="timer-wrapper"><div class="time">%S</div><span class="text">sec</span></div>'


on frontend I'm getting this error instead of my result
enter image description here

Best Answer

You have a typo in the js code. Remove the , after $ in function($,)