Magento 2 Catalog Cache – How to Fix Image Regeneration Issues


I'm doing the migration process from Magento to Magento 2.1.6, after migration completed, I move the media folder of M1 to pub/media M2.

Now the problem is some of the images don't generate in the catalog/Cache folder

For example, the below images are going to 404 not found


I did like simply delete the catalog cache folder and load the page again but still, it goes to a broken image.

My page has 50% of broken images

enter image description here

can share the workaround to fix this issue?

Best Answer

You should try using the image resize command to pre-generate all necessary resizes.

php bin/magento catalog:image:resize

This command gets all the images sizes that have been defined in the theme XML and pregenerates the images in their correct folders.

You can also check the command documentation for more information

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