Magento – Register user product review not reflecting in My account section


If any register user (already logged in) write any product review it submitted successfully. but In My account section, My product reviews is empty.

Any clue why reviews are not assigning to logged in user?

Best Answer

Only reviews that are approved and were submitted by registered users (a Customer) will be visible in the customer account under My Product Reviews.

In the admin grid Admin > Catalog > Reviews and Ratings > Customer Reviews > All Reviews, the Type column will either show Customer or Guest.

Your reviews are not visible in the user's account because they were posted as a Guest. Your question now becomes why are all user's treated as guests when it comes to reviews?

You can try to turn off the admin option Allow Guests to Write Reviews and see what happens when you try to leave a review as a Customer:

Admin > System > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Product Reviews

There is a known bug relating to this too:

Hope that helps.

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