Magento – Reindexing not working through SSH


I tried to reindex using SSH. Here is one of the commands I used –

php -f indexer.php --reindexall

and here is the result which i am getting –

Usage:  php -f indexer.php -- [options]

  --status <indexer>            Show Indexer(s) Status
  --mode <indexer>              Show Indexer(s) Index Mode
  --mode-realtime <indexer>     Set index mode type "Update on Save"
  --mode-manual <indexer>       Set index mode type "Manual Update"
  --reindex <indexer>           Reindex Data
  info                          Show allowed indexers
  reindexall                    Reindex Data by all indexers

Best Answer

The reindexall command is without the --.

So php -f indexer.php reindexall should work!