Magento – Relation of attribute set with category


Does magento attribute sets have any relation with categories ?

It's just that recently I removed all the attribute sets except "Default" attribute set(id=4), the mysql query of delete didn't tell anything about foreign key check issues and the query ran successfully.

But after that when I see in admin > Catalog > Manage Categories, I can't find the first three tabs of any category. Also I can't go to any category page in frontend, all redirect to 404 page. Don't understand why this happens.

Can anybody let me if I am on right track or guide me if I ain't ?

Best Answer

Attribute sets are used by other eav entities too, not just by products. So my guess is that you deleted all the attribute sets for all the eav entities (including categories).

You should restore from a backup that you made before the delete, and then either delete the attribute sets from admin, or add this condition to your query:

DELETE FROM eav_attribute_set WHERE entity_type_id = 4 AND attribute_set_id != 4;
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