Magento – Remove parent categories from subcategory in URLs in


Magento version is

I have tried following solution which doesn't work for me.

Step 1: Go to app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Url.php copy this file to app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Model/Url.php because it is core Magento file so that we have to copy that file into the app/code/local.

Step 2: Now search for the getCategoryRequestPath($category, $parentPath) around line 698 in Magento ver.

Step 3: Search if (null === $parentPath) around line 717 and comment the line as below:

/* if (null === $parentPath) {
$parentPath = $this->getResource()->getCategoryParentPath($category);
elseif ($parentPath == '/'){*/
$parentPath = ''; //DO NOT Comment this line

Step 4: Now Go to the Magento admin and Clear Cache System->Cache Management and Reindex System->Index Management the data.

Step 5: Refresh your browser cache and navigate again now you will see only the Sub Category in Url not the Parent Category just like as:
See more.

I have also tried this solution which doesn't work for me.

Suppose you want to remove parent category path from url such as
Url-> to


  1. Go to the Magento Admin Panel -> System -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Seo Options
  2. Select yes or no from "Use Parent Category Path for Category URLs"
  3. Refresh category url index.

Option YES =>

Option NO =>

Help me if you have another solution

Best Answer

When You Override the file Url.php. You just need to edit line number 726 that has below code:

$requestPath = $parentPath . $urlKey . $categoryUrlSuffix;

change it to below code :

$requestPath = $urlKey . $categoryUrlSuffix;

Then update it. No need to edit $parentPath.

Flush Magento cache and it should work.

It worked for me.