Magento – Remove shipping from transactional email totals


In Magento's transactional emails at the bottom of the mail you will see an overview of the order (totals.phtml). This has an output of something like:

Subtotal € 99,00
Shipping & Handling € 0,00
Total (Excl. Belasting) € 99,00
Tax € 0,00
Grand total (Incl. Belasting) € 99,00

Shipping & Handling is set to € 0,00. But not actually free (it is just not paid online). So I want to remove the line containing:

shipping & handling – € 0,00.

I cannot seem to find the lines to edit.

Totals.phtml loops true all available options. It seems that editing this will also change other options and layouts

I could also make changes in sales.xml (of course a copy). But also I cannot find the desired line. Is there any way to remove only this line.

    <block type="sales/order_email_items" name="items" template="email/order/items.phtml">
        <action method="addItemRender"><type>default</type><block>sales/order_email_items_order_default</block><template>email/order/items/order/default.phtml</template></action>
        <action method="addItemRender"><type>grouped</type><block>sales/order_email_items_order_grouped</block><template>email/order/items/order/default.phtml</template></action>
        <block type="sales/order_totals" name="order_totals" template="sales/order/totals.phtml">
            <action method="setLabelProperties"><value>colspan="3" align="right" style="padding:3px 9px"</value></action>
            <action method="setValueProperties"><value>align="right" style="padding:3px 9px"</value></action>
            <block type="tax/sales_order_tax" name="tax" template="tax/order/tax.phtml">
                <action method="setIsPlaneMode"><value>1</value></action>

Best Answer

Try copy sales/order/totals.phtml to your current theme

Then add

<?php foreach ($this->getTotals() as $_code => $_total): ?>
    if($_code == Shipping Code(s) here){

Please note: this may remove the shipping cost from other template, so you may want to consider setting a new template for <block type="sales/order_totals" name="order_totals" template="sales/order/totals.phtml">

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