Magento – Rename add to cart to buy now


I want to change Magento add to cart to buy now and also I want to redirect the page. How to made that changes??

Best Answer

So to translate the text you can do a few things.

  1. Inline translations: you can set-up inline translations in the admin section then when you visit the frontend you can then translate strings and translate the button text.
  2. Add a locale file to your theme: if in your theme you add a locale file you can then add any translations that you wish.
  3. Update the template in your theme: if you add the template to your theme you can simply change the text shown.

I would go with the theme locale option here. Just create a file public/app/design/frontend/your_package/your_theme/locale/en_US/translate.csv then in this file translate your string.

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