Magento – Reset “Use Secure in Front End or Admin” in Database is not working


I have carefully follow instruction to setup SSL in Front-end and Admin panel by using

System -> Configuration -> Web -> Use Secure URLs in Frontend


System -> Configuration -> Web -> Use Secure URLs in Frontend

to "Yes"

After that I can't access my Administrator Panel anymore, it always redirected to https.

I have tried to revert the config. But still no luck, I also have change database table : core_config_data. web/secure/use_in_frontend and web/secure/use_in_adminhtml to 0 and web/secure/offloader_header is SSL_OFFLOADED.

Also, remove cache and session data. Still no luck.

I using Magento 1.9 and Nginx.

I got it, it was the Magento cache problem, somehow it was cache inside the folder /tmp/magento/var/cache of my Linux (not Magento tmp folder). After I delete it, I can finally access my adminhtml using HTTP.

Best Answer

I can tell you one solution I dont know you have tried or not But you can try below solution

go to your mysql

fire this query SELECT * FROM mgnt_core_config_data WHERE path='web/unsecure/base_url'

and change your unsecure base url to your url without https, so it would be http://your_base_url

Try And let me know if it works