Magento – Rest Api. How to control attribute in api2.xml with attribute rules when attribute contains the attributes array of object in other table


My JSON string like this:

  "id": "74",
  "created_at": "2015-07-22 09:36:57",
  "created_by": "1",
  "updated_at": "2015-07-22 09:36:57",
  "updated_by": "1",
  "store": {
    "group_id": "1",
    "website_id": "1",
    "name": "Main Website Store",
    "root_category_id": "2",
    "default_store_id": "1",
    "group": [
        "id": "4",
        "name": "group 4 - store web 2",
        "description": null,
        "level": "1",
        "product": [
            "id": "1",
            "created_at": "2015-07-20 07:54:07",
            "created_by": "1",
            "updated_at": "2015-07-20 07:54:07",
            "updated_by": "1"

it's mean in House have one "store", in "store" have many "group" and in "group" have many "product".
I tried adding the attributes as group, product to file api2.xml to manage in the Edit attribute rules but it does not work when I unchecked.
"group", "product" are on the table different database.

My api2.xml:

            <house translate="title" module="Hihi_House">
                <title>House API Call</title>
            <house translate="title" module="Hihi_House">
                <title>House API</title>
                    <created_at>Created At</created_at>
                    <created_by>Created By</created_by>
                    <updated_at>Updated At</updated_at>
                    <updated_by>Updated By</updated_by>


Best Answer

In api2.xml the attributes you define are top-level attributes. You cannot use them to filter nested data arrays, at least not using unmodified core code.

The only attributes you have defined the will do anything are:

  • id
  • created_at
  • created_by
  • updated_at
  • updated_by
  • store
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