Magento – Save Updated Configurable Product Attribute to All Associated Products


I'm trying to extend Magento to where, when I update a custom attribute for a configurable product, it saves it to the corresponding custom attribute for all of its associated products. I've got an observer that watches the catalog_product_save_after event but I'm not exactly sure where to proceed in order to get it to save it to the associated products. I've looked at a lot of solutions here and other sites that deal with programmatically creating a configurable product and it's assocaited products, but nothing that does what I need. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Here's the final code I ended up with:

public function copyAttribute($observer) {
        try {
            // get the event product
            $product = $observer->getEvent()->getProduct();

            // check to see if product is configurable
            if ($product->getData('type_id') === 'configurable') {

                // get associated products
                $associated = $product->getTypeInstance(true)->getUsedProducts(null, $product);

                // create attribute array
                $feedArray = array('feedprice1', 'feedprice2', 'feedprice3');

                // loop through associated products and save configurable products changed value
                foreach ($associated as $associate) {
                    foreach ($feedArray as $feed) {
                        $associate->setData($feed, $product->getData($feed));
                        $associate->getResource()->saveAttribute($associate, $feed);

        // log any errors
        catch (Exception $e) {
            Mage::log(print_r($e->getMessage(), 1), 'null', 'product-attribute-update.log');

Best Answer

Create an event product save after only for configurable product save from admin.


Then using observer update field of child products:i have update here meta description of child products using parent products meta description Code is Here

public function autoupdatemy($observer)

        $allProducts = $ConfiProduct->getTypeInstance(true)
            ->getUsedProducts(null, $ConfiProduct);
        foreach ($allProducts as $product) {
            $product->getResource()->saveAttribute($product, 'meta_title');
            Mage::log('myaddr_new_code after-testingnew-'.$product->getData('name').'--'.$product->getId(), null, 'mage32173.log');
    }catch(Excpetion $e){



Let me know,if you have any issue

As your requested Just add below code


$product->getResource()->saveAttribute($product, 'attributecode_1');
$product->getResource()->saveAttribute($product, 'attributecode_2');
$product->getResource()->saveAttribute($product, 'attributecode_3');
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